Anti Blemish Whitening Face Wash
- Beyond Basics Anti Blemish Whitening Face Wash is made from high quality purified Natural Oil and Herbal extracts.
- This is made with the good proportion and right percentage of Herbal infusion which is 100% effective in reduction of Blemish and Hyper Pigmentation.
- It fades up Sun Tanning, Sun Darkening, Blemishes due to any reasons and Hyper-pigmentation Spots due Sun or Hormonal Reasons.
- Aside to Blemish & Hyperpigmentation Treatment it also lightens Skin Tone
- It makes Skin Flawless, Bright and Beautiful.
For Skin Types:
- All Skin Types
- For All Age Group
- For Both Male and Females
Main Ingredients: ___________________________________________________________
Rs: ₹ 330
Anti Acne Fairness Face Wash
- Beyond Basics Anti Acne Fairness Face Wash is made from high quality purified Natural Oil and Herbal extracts.
- This is made with the good proportion and right percentage of Herbal infusion which is 100% effective in treating Acne (Pimples) of all grades and of all ages.
- This Anti Acne Face Wash can also treat Very Old Acne and Pimples that comes on and on.
- Aside to Acne Treatment it also lightens Skin Tone and Acne Spots & Marks.
- It Helps to Clear Blackhead and White Head Problems
- It makes Skin Clean, Clear and Fair
For Skin Types:
- Teen & Adult Age Acne/ Pimple
- Very Old Acne and/or Recalcitrant Acne/Pimple
- Acne/ Pimple of All Grades
- Acne/ Pimple of Both Male & Female
- Acne/ Pimple on all Skin Type
Main Ingredients: ___________________________________________________________
MRP ₹ 330
Keshar Fairness Face Wash
- Made from High Himalayan Hand Picked Kesar
- Makes Skin Much Fair and Radiant
- Leaves your Skin Soft and Glowing
- Its reduces Dark Pigment Cell of the Face
- 100% Soap Free, Balance Skin pH level
For Skin Types:
- All Skin Types
Main Ingredients: Kesar Flower Extracts, Glycerin
Rs: ₹ 325
Aloe-Vera Face Wash for Dry-Sensitive Skin
- Made from Organically Aloe Vera Farmland
- Cleanse Face without Dryness
- Leaves your skin soft, moisturized and supple
- Its Powerful Anti-Oxidant Reduces Skin Darkness
- 100% Soap Free, Balance Skin pH level
For Skin Types:
- Severe Dry Skin
- Dry Skin
- Dry to Combination Skin
- Sensitive Skin
Main Ingredients: Aloe Vera Plump, Aloe Vera Extracts, Glycerin
Rs: ₹ 300
Lemon Face Wash for Oily Skin
- Made from Freshly Picked Original Lemon Fruit Extracts.
- removes excess oil from the skin instantly
- helps to control the production of excess oil during hot summer season
- Full of Vitamin C which is a Powerful Anti-Oxidant
- 100% Soap Free, it means that it cleanse face without disturbing Skin pH level and natural oil of the face.
- Does not make skin dry but instead makes skin clean and glowing
For Skin Types:
- Severe Oily Skin
- Oily Skin
- Oily to Combination Skin
Main Ingredients: Lemon Fruit Extracts, Glycerin
Rs: ₹ 300
Neem Face Wash
Beyond Basics Neem Face Wash
- Beyond Basics Neem Face Wash is made from high quality purified Neem oil and extracts.
- This is made with the right proportion and percentage of Neem that is effective in treating Pimples and prevents it bounce back.
- This is developed in solvent base, it means that it cleanse face without disturbing Skin pH level and natural oil of the face.
- It does not make skin dry but instead makes skin smooth and soft.
- It Prevents Pimples forever with unique formulation of NON DRYING & NON IRRITATING.
For Skin Types:
- Teen Age Acne Prone Skin
- Mild Pimples
Main Ingredients: Neem Oil, Neem Extracts and Glycerin